
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Great Mascot Guessing Game

While we've been able to meet and chat with many famous penguins (and a polar bear), there are many still in the shadows.  But which beloved character will be the next to get their own sprite?
What is Known:
We do know that Club Penguin has ID's created for a few  mascots that haven't appeared - Dot, Protobot, and a few other robots are listed.  While I have not clue if any of these will see the light of day, I am going to try to predict who's next.

The disguise gal is on the top of the list of likely mascots especially since she appeared in the latest yearbook.  I'm guessing she could appear during an EPF party - mission and that she'll be next up on the list.  Mark my words.

The Robots Gone Wrong (I can't think of a better name):
This group consists of quite a few characters and is one of the more interesting topics to talk about.  While Club Penguin lists them in their files, these guys appear so rarely, I find it questionable if they will ever become mascots.  There is hope though.

While there is no indication that he is coming, I think Rory would be a great choice for mascot-ism (that should be word - it sounds cool). ;)  He could come during construction of parties or whenever there is damage around the island.  Plus, I miss him.  Now-a-days, we hear from him every year or so.

This could lend itself to problems though.  Aside from his glasses (which he originally didn't have), his style is very repeatable.  Maybe he could get a redesign akin to P.H.'s?

Jet Pack Guy:
Guy (as I will refer to him as) has something of a guest Star's dream in his fortune.  While originally just a "throw away" character from PSA Mission 2, Guy has gained main character status in the EPF story-line.  I think we could very well get to see him someday if his design got a face-lift.

The Director (Aunt Arctic in disguise):
Until recently this was a very popular theory.  But when everyone's favorite Aunt was revealed to be behind the disguise the rumors went away since you can meet her disguise-less.  However, I think it is possible we could meet her during an EPF mission - party while in disguise as a totally different penguin.

As Billybob would say, waddle on!
- Chillin43

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