
Friday, June 7, 2013

Review: "The Party Starts Now" CD

Even though it has been awhile since I got the first Club Penguin CD, I thought I might as well review it.

Brief Overview:
- The contents of this package are the CD, a pamphlet, and a slip of paper with the Bling Bling Necklace code.

Source: Monchocho

- The design and contents of the pack are nicely designed.  Adding lyrics and devotions from the characters to the pamphlet were good touchs.

- The Bling Bling Necklace is a neat item and is a pretty good marketing strategy.

Source: Official Club Penguin

- Having only five songs and a bonus track is a little ridiculous when most CD's have around twenty.  This fact surprised me when I read it initially before the product was released but didn't make me shy away from buying it.  However, given that the CD is only five dollars (USD) while the bigger CD's are usually ten to twenty dollars, I guess it's fair.  I just expected that if Club Penguin ever made a CD they'd wait until they had a large "music with lyrics" library so they could make a big one.

- The Party Starts Now: This song is nice but since I'm not really into pop so it's not my favorite.

- Anchors Aweigh: The Penguin Band's first true song has a catchy tune that I really enjoy.

Source: Big Pong Music

- Ghosts Just Wanna Dance: This song has a very nice beat although it's hard to really get into it when it's not Halloween time.  The skeleton key board effect in the background in part of the song is a nice touch.

- Cool in the Cold: This suffers from the same seasonal fate as the prior song, although it is pretty catchy, just as all of the others are.  It does sound nice as well.

-Puffle Party (Gotta Have a Wingman): Rap, hip hop, whatever you want to call this - it just isn't my style.  Nice vibe, but I just prefer other types of music.

-Dubstep Puffle: While this undoubtedly has a good beat, choosing it as a bonus track is trivial.  Why is this melody better than Herbert Style or Rockin' Pizza from Music Jam (or Ultimate Jam, take your pick)?  Is it because the Dubstep Puffle is kind of becoming a character in Club Penguin, having his (or her?) own pin, song, virtual shirt, physical shirt, and having made appearances at the Ultimate Jam and Hollywood Party within the last year?

Source: Club Penguin Wikia

Final Thoughts:
Club Penguin's first ever outing in music stores is pretty good.  In the future, I think it would be interesting to see a country song so that the music selection is even more diverse.  Also, if there is another CD (which I think there will be) I will pick it up.

As Billybob would say, Waddle On!
- Chillin43

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