
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Review: Funny Hat Week

Does Club Penguin recapture the magic of their classic parties with this interesting new style of parties?

First up, there's the lone room at this party.  The decorations make it seem like it's 2007 and don't try and dazzle you with special effects.  Sure, there could be a little more to it and the logo seems a bit too simple, but complexity is not the point of this party.  The design is pleasing enough and the lightning and details are nice touches.  The accompanying music is also pretty nice.

The items at this event are nice enough.  The hats are random but pretty neat, and while The Sleepy Head hat seems a little redundant when you compare it to the Stocking Cap from a few years ago, it passes.  The background is a little too plain and simple, but it's a welcome addition.

And that's it.

And, yet, I would argue this is the best party of 2014.

Why?  Well, it doesn't take itself too seriously and that's why it works.  Now, I'm not someone who hates the modern age of Club Penguin and misses old CP on an incredible level, but I can appreciate the charm of something so small.

Since the beginning of 2014, Club Penguin has given us the Prehistoric Party, which hyped up puffles that ended up having a far too simple and repetitive quest when it came to obtaining them; the Fair, with its outrageous prices; the Muppets World Tour, with its boring, tedious objectives and over promoted final act; and the Puffle Party, with more puffles, and an over-publicized park and finale.

With all of this in mind, it should be simple to see why this party reigns supreme.  It doesn't have pointless, elementary tasks; it doesn't use elements over and over again; it doesn't reuse something we just saw; and it doesn't attempt to be the biggest, best party ever.  It knows it's small and it's fine with that.  It's not trying to amaze you; it's just providing a little moment of fun.

I hope Club Penguin continues to do parties like this, but only just once in awhile.  I also hope that the major, full-blown parties take a page out of this party's book.

This party forever proves that bigger is not always better.

As Billybob would say, Waddle On!
- Chillin43

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