
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Review: Club Penguin App Update 1.4

Hype has been a constant killer of enjoyment in the past few months on Club Penguin.

"The team did such a great job with dinosaur puffles!"

"The Fair 2014 is the best party ever!"

"You're going to love this Muppet Theater!"

"Let me tell you, you DO NOT want to miss the Puffle Gala!"

So, what happens when you hype the launch of an app on a new device for almost an entire year?

You end up disappointed.

Let me start out by saying that this is the worst major update that the Club Penguin App has ever seen.  New rooms being added to the app is nothing special, especially when said platform doesn't work on my iPad or iPod Touch.  Puffles are neat in 3D, but that's nothing incredibly groundbreaking when the aforementioned room platform has to work in order to see and interact with them.  

And the most disappointing part?  Aside from the availability on new devices, that's all this update had to offer.

Now, I have never been a very strong supporter of Club Penguin moving on to mobile for various reasons.  However, if Club Penguin has to go there, I'd like to see them port their games (which actually work pretty well on the app), or, ideally, create new ones for the app.  However, this app update offered neither of those things, but instead implemented two new things I will never use.

But, the main point of this update is the iPhone/iPod Touch availability.  And, having used the app on the small screen of an iPod, I can tell you there's not much here to be happy about, either.

Sure, it's nice that more people can get the app.  But, that's a pretty faulty notion when the app doesn't work very well on a new device.  You see, while the original iPad app was full of issues, the app on a smaller device creates even more problems, including loading struggles everywhere and unresponsive controls.

This app is meant to be on a large screen plain and simple.  Everything feels cramped on the iPod.  The text is too small, the pop ups are too large, and the games aren't even fun to play because of the limited space.

The rooms on the app work worse than on the iPad, a feat that I wasn't even sure could really be obtained.  There is a lot of lag when rendering the rooms and then using them.  The names of penguins look awkward being spaced so far from the actual avatar and the letters are far to large.  The rooms are far too small, and the penguins look awkward there.

Things on mobile need a lot of work.  But, in the end, I think most of it (in other words, everything but the new and rebooted games) is a big waste of time and funds.

As Billybob would say, Waddle On!
- Chillin43

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