
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Name Change

One does not simply write an intro or find pictures for these kinds of posts.

It's been fifteen months since I first started this blog and in that time, one thing has always bothered me....

"Isn't 'Perspective' too complicated of a word for a blog about a game primarily for children?  Isn't it a preppy word?"

This little detail has been the debate of many mental battles for over a year.  Since starting this blog was a bit of a spur of the moment thing, I didn't really think over the name when I first created it and I did not foresee any problems. 

So, for the sake of my sanity, this blog will be getting a new name.

Club Penguin Perspective will become Club Penguin Thoughts on May 23, 2014.  This new name is far less complicated and might help me sleep at night.  It also aligns well with my Twitter handle.  With this change, my URL will also be altered. will become on May 23 as well.  Why the dashes?  Well, was taken by somebody else in the past.....who proceeded to never do anything with it.

If you visit the site's URL right now, you'll find a simple, ghost blog.  However, that won't be the case for long.  With this new name, there will also be a new logo and design for this blog.....though I'm no web design expert, so don't expect anything special.

None of my posts will disappear during the change (though, some of the older ones doing so wouldn't be the worst thing in the world) and I'm not changing my style of writing.  The name will be new, the URL will be new, and the design will be new, but everything else will stay exactly the same.

If you visit the URL after May 23, you'll be directed to a small website that will be hooked up to my backup account.  That website will merely be a stand-in that will direct you to the new website.  If you visit any of the URLs of my current pages or posts, they will tell you that the page does not exist.  If you click on the tab to go home, you'll be able to find the URL to my new site and everything will be good in life.

So, remember, on Friday, May 23, 2014 this current blog will become and the URL right now will change as well.  Change your bookmark, your RSS feed....whatever you need to do. 

See you on the other side!

As Billybob would say, Waddle On!
- Chillin43


  1. You know you can change the settings for it in your settings, right? Instead of having to remake everything... -.-

    1. So it seems one does simply change the URL in settings.

  2. Hey, I love the new background :D
