
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The 2013 Star Wars Dissection (1/3) Pre-Party

There have been plenty of Star Wars references to pick out on Club Penguin from the time the party was announced to before the festivities began.  This is where I'll try to sort through them all.

Source: Star Wars Modern

Please Note: This does not include references made in tweets or blog posts by Club Penguin Team members.  It also does not encompass the official Game On video as well.  Also, Boba Fett, whose costume was released in the July 2013 My Penguin Penguin Style prior to the party is not included here, but will be in Part 2 (The Characters).  The same can be said for the Tie Fighter costume, who can be unlocked with the code BARONFEL.

Also, I couldn't find pictures of some things, so you'll just have to believe me.

Source: Club Penguin Wikia

The Club Penguin Times
- In Issue #403, the main article was titled "That's No Moon!"  This is referring to Obi-Wan Kenobi's line in Episode IV (4): A New Hope.  In the scene, which takes place on Han Solo's spaceship, he is talking about the Death Star, which the crew (consisting of Luke, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and himself) is fast approaching.  The rest of the group had assumed that The Empire's great possession was indeed a moon up until his dialogue.

Source: Club Penguin Cheats Site

- In the four hundred third issue, The Millennium Falcon (from Episodes IV - VI) is referred to and a Jedi (from all the movies) is seen as well in the "Upcoming Events" section.

Source: Club Penguin Safari

- Issue #404 includes the projection of Princess Cadence (Leia) from R2-D2 which is seen in the fourth movie as well.

Source: Trainman1405

Source: UK Yahoo Movies

- #404 also includes a picture of the Death Star (seen in Episodes IV and VI) and references the Dark Side and the Rebel Forces (seen in Episodes IV - VI) in the "Upcoming Events" feature.

Source: Riffy CP

Source: Entertainment. How Stuff Works

The Rooms
- After the Monsters University Takeover finished its run, the Death Star and two Star Destroyers were seen in the skies at the Dock, Beach, Ski Village, Mountain, Town, Iceberg, and at the Beacon via the telescope.  A week later (seven days before the party), the Death Star and its accompanying Star Destroyers appeared closer in all areas.  The objects got even closer when the party started.

Source: Understanding Club Penguin

- Along with the sky line spectacles, the Dock saw construction on a Rebel Base after the Monsters University Takeover closed up shop.  The construction progressed the following week, which was the final one before the party.

Furniture Catalog
- The front and back covers show a Jedi and the X-Wing aircraft.  The ship is seen in all three movies of the Original Trilogy.

Source: Trainman1405

Source: Star Wars Wikia

- The first page shows the Rebel's X-Wing Fighter.

- Page one also shows the LIN Demolitionmech Droids (That's the short version, believe it or not.  The full thing is LIN Demolitionmech Autonomous Minelayer.).  They were used during the Clone Wars, which feature prominently in the Prequel Trilogy and the titular animated spin-off series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Source: Trainman1405

Source: Star Wars Wikia

- #2 shows The Emperor's Chair.  It is where the leader of the Empire - the Emperor - sits.  It is seen in Episode III (3): Revenge of the Sith - Episode VI (6): Return of the Jedi, if I'm not mistaken.

Source: Oh Gizmo (Ironic name when you consider CP's Gizmo)

- Page two shows the Droid Cleaning Station and Radar Screen are seen at the beginning of the first movie released (Episode IV) during the sequence in which C-3PO and R2-D2 are cleaned in Luke's workshop.

Source: Gamespot

- The third page shows the Computer Console, Radar Computer, and Holonet Tracking Console (Holonet is "a galactic communications grid") are seen in Episode IV inside the Death Star, which is also an item.

Source: Trainman1405

- The Tatooine House item on page four shows the generic type of house found on the planet of Tatooine.  Anakin Skywalker's (Darth Vader's) mother lived in one of these homes with her new husband and his children in Episode II (2): Attack of the Clones.  Episode III and Episode IV shows the return of this specific home, where Luke Skywalker lives with his surviving relatives.

Source: Maximsmadness

- The Death Star Wall Panel and Death Star Archway on page five is seen on - wait, you wanna take a guess?

Source: Trainman1405

- Page Six: The Mellinium Falcon Seat is seen in the - wanna guess again?

- The System Readout Terminal of page six is in Luke's workshop as well, if I'm not mistaken.

Source: SWG Wikia

- Page six's GNK Power Droid is seen during a robot sale (which includes R2-D2 and C-3PO) towards the start of the fourth film.

Source: Star Wars Wikia

- The TIE Fighter ships on page seven are seen during the climax of movie four.  They are commanded by the Tie Fighters and Darth Vader himself.

Source: Trainman1405

Source: Star Wars Wikia

- Page Eight: The Holonet Terminal is on the Death Star, to my knowledge.

Source: Guild Portal

- The Dejarik Set on page eight is from Han Solo's ship in movie four.  During the film, Chewbacca and C3-PO have a game of Dejarik (also known as Dejarick Holochess) while flying through space.  The game looks similar to chess and involves living action figures (which have some very dated special effects in the film).  In a way it is similar to Wizard's Chess from Harry Potter, where the pieces actually move (if that helps you imagine it better).

Source: Star Wars Wikia

Source: Plasmainfusion

- Page Eight: The Rebel House Rug and Imperial House Rug are not seen in the movies to my knowledge.  Club Penguin is merely using artistic license, although it does show the two group's symbols, which are speckled throughout the original films and the final movie of the Prequel Trilogy.

Source: Star Wars Dot Com

Source: Wikipedia

Igloo Catalog
- The front and back covers show a Jedi and the Death Star Igloo.  This same igloo is featured inside and is the only Star Wars item in the catalog.  The igloo's walls, floor, pillars, and windows all are mirrored by their film counterpart.  In fact, the igloo appears to be a downsized replica of the main room in the Death Star, where Darth Vader and others frequently look out the center, large window.

Source: Trainman1405

Source: Fineclonier

Igloo Music
- The igloo music selection features some tracks from John William's score for the Star Wars films.  "Cantina Band", "Star Wars Theme" (the main one), "The Imperial March", and "The Throne Room" are all from the legendary composer's roster.  Meanwhile, "Death Star Ambiance" and "Tatooine Ambiance" were created by Club Penguin (ambiance = atmosphere, by the way).

Source: Trainman1405

Source: Hudson Sounds

Herbert's Club Herbert Site
- The site went through three transformations before the party - a screen of stars and then two variations of a similar picture.  Those variations both showed him on the Death Star, nearing Club Penguin, with a lightsaber near him.  His coffee mug also referenced the Dark Side.

Source: Trainman1405

Promotional Log-In, Log-Off, Home-Screen Pictures
- The main screen has an amazing design and features the party's logo (which is an extended version of the main Star Wars logo), X - Wing Aircraft, the Death Star, and the planet of Tatooine.  It also features several characters (all of whom I will go through in a later post) who are put in a formation similar to many of the classic Star Wars film posters.

Source: Monchocho

Source: Collider

Source: Furious Fan Boys

- The Darth Herbert screen has a red lightsaber, the proper Darth Vader costume, and a chat blurb - "Breathes Loudly."  This refers to the Darth's iconic breathing noise, which is distorted due to the components of his suit.

Source: Riffy CP

Source: Comic Vine

- Then there is the Princess Cadence/Leia screen.  In it, a projection of her, courtesy of R2-D2, proclaims "ur our only hope." (She needs to take her grammar to the School at the Mine!)  This refers to the scene at the beginning of the fourth film in which, while cleaning R2-D2, Luke accidentally sets off a message from Leia to Obi-Wan Kenobi.  In the message, of which only a small bit is seen (due to the fact R2-D2 does not want to show anyone except Obi-Wan the entire message), Leia says, "Help me Obi Wan, you're our only hope."  This leads to the beginning of Luke's journey.

Source: Saraapril

- Yet another screen shows two Jedi's dueling, C-3PO saying, "we're doomed!" (something he says a couple times in the series), and R2-D2 beeping his signature droid dialect.

Source: Wanney CP Cheats

*There is another screen, but its elements will be dissected in future additions of this series.

Source: Trainman1405

Penguin Style (Online Version)
- The catalog in the Gift Clothes Shop (it'll always be the Gift Shop to me), along with the one in the My Penguin app got two Star Wars backgrounds (with the app's one getting a costume I'll discuss in another post).

Source: Penguin Heroe

The first one, with the Stormtrooper, is from Episode IV from the robot sale in Tatooine at the beginning of the film.  You can see three of the robots from the scene on the background along with the ship that the salesmen travel in.  The ship also has a crane, which is used to transport the robots from the ship to the ground.  Finally, as mentioned before, it has a Stormtrooper on it, who is conducting a mandatory search through the cargo as they do in the film.

Source: Slate

The second is also from the start of film four and is also in Tatooine.  It is from when R2-D2 and C-3PO land in the desert of Tatooine, having just escaped Princess Leia's ship, which was taken over by force by the Empire.  The Tatooine village (which is seen in movies one - four and six), the planet's two suns, various rock forms, mounds of sand, and the bones of an animal C-3PO encounters are seen on the background.  Footsteps, possibly alluding to C-3PO's trip on foot after R2-D2 towards the city (before they are picked up by the merchants, who's robot sale is seen in the previous background), are also seen.

Source: SVPow

The Cinematic Trailer (1:30)

- (0:04) The "A long time ago on an island far, far away...." blurb has the same font, size, and color as the "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." text which appears before each film.  It also appears at the proper time.

- (0:07) The scrolling logo and text fits with the films' intros.  Adding Episode 1 to the beginning of the text scroll also fits with the source material.  The text, font, and color are all the same once again and so is the music.  The starry background is Club Penguin-fied but fits in too.

- (0:36) After the text is done, the camera moves downward to the first sequence.  The camera does the same in every film, except in different directions.  Also, the shooting sounds, bullets, and ships match the films.

- (0:38) Warp-speed is seen here and in the films.

- (0:47) The formation of Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers matches certain moments in the cinema.

- (0:54) The landing of the ship looks as it does in the films.

- (0:55) R2-D2's Princess Leia/Cadence projection mirrors the films.  Her dialogue has a reference to the source material as well.

- (1:02) The Rebels and ships are both mirrored perfectly.  The music transfers to another part of John William's score for the films.  The hangar, ladders, and rush to battle has some of its inspiration rooted in the films.

- (1:07) Proper use of R2-D2/ droid beeps.

- (1:09) Shooting sounds, bullets, the ships, and the Death Star are all done justice.

- (1:17) Music transitions to another part of Williams's music.

- (1:22) Lucasfilms logo seen with same effects as in cinemas.

The Commercial (0:35)

- (0:04) Proper music, breathing heard.  Darth Herbert/ Vader looking out of the window mirrors moments in the films.  Costume is great and mirrors the "real thing" with great ease.  Talking (albeit, sneezing here) sounds a lot like the movie's Darth.

- (0:09) Death Star and Rebel Base seen.

- (0:10) Ships look like film version.  Shooting sounds are good.

- (0:12) Right group, ship at the Rebel Base (the contents of the group reflects the fourth movie).  Also, Luke is practicing his lightsaber skills with a metal ball, as he does in Episode IV.

- (0:15) Shot of the group up at the ship's controls is like the movie.  They are even in their usual spots at the front (Han Solo to the right as captain; Chewbacca as copilot; Princess Leia/Cadence over their shoulder; ect.).

- (0:17) Ship takes off as it should.

- (0:22) Shot of crew up front and in hyper speed done right.

- (0:23) R2-D2's "scream" is taken from the film's and is done at the right moment.

- (0:26) Sounds, sights of the lightsaber battle are good.

- (0:28) Lightsaber falls to the ground as the films show they do.

- (0:29) Proper use of "The Force" to pick up lightsaber.

- (0:30) Swipe of lightsaber done right.

Keep in mind, I haven't even gone over the references at the party yet....

As Billybob would say... Waddle On!
- Chillin43

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