
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Review: Puffle Party 2013

The fifth annual Puffle Party is in full swing, so, what do I think of it?
Source: Club Penguin Wikia

As usual, Club Penguin did a great job with the room decorations.  While some are from previous incarnations of the party, they still are very good at bringing back nostalgia to veterans of the game and some are even slightly updated.  Meanwhile, the new rooms, including the largely hyped Puffle Hotel, have great designs and show great attention to detail.  Another perk is that unlike the Hollywood Party last month, almost every room is decorated.

Source: tkcpcheats

Puffle Party music has always been great, with the classics returning this year and a few new beats being introduced that are worthy of praise.  The sound effects in the Puffle Hotel rooms are a very nice touch and something I feel should be applied all over the island.

This party has a lot of stuff going on - PH visiting, new rooms, puffle transformations, and quests.  Thus, I feel it has pretty good replay value, which is important when a party lasts for weeks.

Source: Ramone14

The quests have been a bit of a double edged sword to me.  On the one hand, I do enjoy what the Club Penguin Team is trying to do and like how it's something that can get people to keep coming back.  But, the eighteen hour countdown was pretty steep.  The glitches were also a bit annoying.

Still, even after I got my rainbow puffle (I named him Ron Weasley - is that acceptable? ;D), I do find myself doing the quest again and again to get more coins.  The six hour countdown (which was added after I got my puffle) is also nice.  I just hope that in the future, quests aren't so time consuming and are more complex.

Source: Official Club Penguin 

Will it return?:
For my take, see the 2009 part of my "Party Predictor" series, which I wrote earlier this year, here.

Final Thoughts:
This rendition of the Puffle celebration had a good mix of nostalgia for older players while enough new to keep it interesting.  With a few improvements, such as keeping the rainbow puffle and other things a surprise, it could have been even better.

Source: Official Club Penguin

As Billybob would say, Waddle On!
- Chillin43

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