
Saturday, May 3, 2014

So Long, Star Wars?

The Star Wars Takeover of 2013 goes down as one of my favorite parties ever and I really do hope that it makes a return this year.  But, could just a few little details mean no return this year?

Many penguins have been protesting for a second Star Wars party for several months.  But, what's ironic is that they themselves could have lead to their dream being crushed.

You see, the upcoming Future Party is being advertised as more of a space party.  Now, while I'm very excited for this party and have high hopes for it, I think it is possible that because it exists, Star Wars will not be used this year.  I believe that Club Penguin would not want to be repetitive so they would not place two space parties in one calender year.  Perhaps Harry Potter's prophecy puts it best - Neither can live while the other survives.

Those who want to could argue that Star Wars takes place long ago, while the Future Party takes place in, well, the future.  Additionally, both parties will most likely have far different styles as far as art is concerned.  But I still don't think they'd put two space parties in the span of one year - particularly not one in May and another in July, where Star Wars found its home last year.

But back to that ironic part: many of the same people who want Star Wars to come back expressed interest when Spike Hike revealed that Club Penguin once scrapped the idea of having a Future Party.  These intirguied comments lead to this party being made - and may have lead to the demise of the Star Wars Takeover, at least as far as this year is concerned.

And what if the Future Party is gigantic success?  Would Club Penguin keep bringing it back, with Star Wars never to be seen again?  Club Penguin certainly couldn't combine the two events, since their themes differ too greatly.

One could say that the Star Wars event was such a gigantic success that it couldn't possibly just be abandoned.  And while that is completely true (it did generate a lot of site traffic), there are some flaws even with that sound argument.  The Marvel Superhero Takeover - which set traffic records back in its 2012 debut and appeared to be quite popular in 2013 - has already been confirmed to be out this year.  While there could be inside details that contributed to this, this little wrinkle appears to prove that views - and the big bonus that comes with exposure for a valuable Disney asset - don't necessarily rule all of Club Penguin's decisions.

But, a trickle of hope, there is.  Keep in mind, there was a futuristic area at the Fair this year - which happened a mere three months ago.  This proves that Club Penguin isn't very scared of overusing things - though I suppose one would only have to look at Club Penguin's use of puffles and features at parties to really get a good scope of that. That being said, this little thing doesn't dispel my argument completely, since the futuristic happenings at the Fair were only a small piece in the grand scheme of things.

As Billybob would say, Waddle On!
- Chillin43

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