
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Picking the Puffles

Spike Hike recently revealed in a comment to Club Penguin Memories that the EPF will soon be the Team's big focus, as far as updates are concerned.  Now, that's all nice and dandy - the EPF needs to be more active and have more layers.  However, he said that the current focus - whose updates we are seeing as we speak - is on puffles.

Why?  And, how does Club Penguin determine what needs to be updated?

Source: Club Penguin Guide

Let me start by saying puffle updates don't appear to be in need.  Puffles seem to be in a good place as it is - their presence is everywhere on Club Penguin.  Not a Club Penguin Times goes by without something reminding us of their existence.

The four stages of puffle digging (digging coins, finding treasure, discovering food, and a new note from PH the first time you walk your puffle), the Pizza Parlor update, and the mysterious November listing on the CP Membership page are all examples of the shift Spike Hike is talking about in his comment.  Now, these small features are nice and all, but they seem out of place.  Club Penguin rarely launches a new feature without a party to promote it.

Source: Club Penguin Wikia

Besides, Club Penguin already has plenty of small puffle stuff to go around - think interacting with furniture and the Puffle Hotel stuff.  Why are these new innovations being created?

Well, these updates could be to promote the feature of walking your puffle.  It may also be a clever way to set up a new plot device.  These recent puffle discoveries all relate to finding out that certain foods have profound effects on puffles (though we've already known the black puffle has something for hot sauce for years).  Could this play into a plot later, as I partially theorized?

Source: Squidoo

And what about those other minor updates that come out of nowhere, but don't come in groups?  The ones I'm thinking of here are details such as the new member price tag design and the updating of images in inventories.

Now, personally, I have to say I do like spotting these new things, but, why does Club Penguin feel the need to give us these minor updates?  I'm baffled. I'm sure there's a good reason for each and every one of them.  Sometimes CP gives us reasons for changes, such as when Spike Hike told us the name glow was added to make your penguin easier to spot in rooms.  However, for some, there really is no logical reason to change them - at least as far as fans can see.  Maybe Club Penguin is trying to go all inception on our minds?  We've already fallen under their spell because of their charming game, why not control our minds some more? ;)

Source: Club Penguin Wikia

As Billybob would say, Waddle On!
- Chillin43

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